Dog Services
All prices listed are starting prices. The price can go up depending on matting and coat condition. Dogs with extreme coats may be subject to additional fees.
We do not offer Hand-Stripping.
Full Groom (Haircut)
The Dog full body haircut will include a bath, Blueberry Facial Scrub, blow dry, nail clipped/filed, teeth brushing, ear cleaning and a head to toe all over body haircut.
Prices starting at:
0-10 Pounds:$80+
11-20 Pounds:$90+
21-30 Pounds:$100+
31-40 Pounds:$110+
41-50 Pounds$120+
51-60 Pounds:$130+
61-70 Pounds:$140+
71-80 Pounds:$150+
81-90 Pounds: $160+
91-100 Pounds: $170+
101+ Pounds: $180+
Doodle breeds are an addition fee averaging $10-$30 depending on the time needed to complete the haircut. Doodles are very fluffy thick coated dogs and normally take quite a bit of additional time.
Mini-Groom (Trimming and Bath)
A Mini-Groom includes a bath, Blueberry Facial Scrub, Blow dry, nail clip/filed, ear cleaning, sanitary trim, visor trim, tail trim and neatening of feet and paw pads.
Prices starting at:
0-10 Pounds:$60+
11-20 Pounds:$70+
21-30 Pounds:$80+
31-40 Pounds:$90+
41-50 Pounds$100+
51-60 Pounds:$110+
61-70 Pounds:$120+
71-80 Pounds:$130+
81-90 Pounds: $140+
91-100 Pounds: $540+
101+ Pounds $160+
Baths (No Haircut)
Baths include a bath, Blueberry Facial Scrub, blow dry, nails clipped/filed and ears cleaned.
Prices starting at:
0-20 Pounds:$50+
21-40 Pounds:$60+
41-60 Pounds:$70+
61-70 Pounds$80+
71-80 Pounds:$90+
81-90 Pounds:$100+
91-100 Pounds $110+
101+ Pounds $120+
De-Shedding is the process of removing undercoat from your dog to help decrease shedding. Dogs are washed in De-Shedding shampoo that helps open the hair follicles to release the undercoat and rinsed thoroughly. Then the coat is soaked with De-Shedding conditioner and blown out with a force dryer. The conditioner makes the undercoat slippery and blow right off! Then your puppies face is washed with Blueberry Facial Scrub and finally rinsed off. Your puppy is then gently dried to get more of that excess hair off. Finally there is a good brush out with 3 different hair removing brushes to get any of the hairs that are still left behind. To finish it off each dog gets a nail clip/file and ears cleaned as well.
Prices starting at:
0-20 Pounds:$70+
21-40 Pounds:$80+
41-50 Pounds$90+
51-60 Pounds:$100+
61-70 Pounds:$110+
71-80 Pounds:$120+
81-90 Pounds: $130+
91-100 Pounds $140+
101+ Pounds $150+
De-Shedding can be added to full or mini grooms for an extra $20-$30 depending on size. Dogs with extreme coats like some shepherds, samoyeds, etc, will be subject to additional fees.
Additional Services
Nail File
Nail filing is a great way to get your pups nails shorter and more rounded. Also great way to prevent scratching to your floors. A lot of dogs who are scared of having the basic nail clip with clippers are much more comfortable with the filing tool.
Teeth Brushing
Teeth brushing can help prevent the build up of tarter on your pups teeth. The toothpaste is specially designed with dogs in mind and is beef flavored. Dogs love it! Each pup who gets teeth brushing done also gets a breath freshening spray and a dental chew to go home with.
Anal glands are included in full grooms if needed. A la carte (requested by client or if determined to be needed. If needed it is NOT optional)
Lav-N-Derm Soak
Infused with lavender oil, this calm smelling shampoo provides stress relief for pets while treating hot spots, abrasions and various skin problems. A good natural remedy for skin problems that smells relaxing.
Moisturizing Blueberry Soak
Soak in deep moisturizing conditioner. This blueberry scented conditioner works to moisturize and revitalize the skin and coat. Great for dogs that swim during the summer months. Helps repair the damage done by chlorine and salt water.
Super Soft Luxury Soak
This soak is best suited for longer coats. Hydra Brand Revitalizing mask help bring softens to you pets coat and helps prevent tangles. Also good for pets who swim often or who are prone to matting (Doodles, Poodles, Schnauzers, etc.)
PawFriction is a revolutionary dog paw pad coating system that increases traction, stops the slipping, improves stability and enhances your dog’s quality of life. You will see your dog instantly stand up on smooth and slick surfaces guaranteed. Great for senior pets or pets with physical ailments.
PawFriction can be applied to dogs of all sizes
Medicated Shampoos
Many dogs have skin problems that need a little extra help to heal. Soaking in one of our four different medicated shampoos can help with all kinds of skin problems such as:
Bacterial Infections
Fungal Infections
Fowl Odors
Greasy Skin
Flakey Skin
Pets will soak in one of our medicated shampoos for ten minutes to help provide some healing and relief.
If you have your own medicated shampoo there is no additional charge for the soak.
Opawz Fur Color
Give your pet an exquisite and superior coloring result with no long-term commitment. Non-toxic and gentle, gradually washes away in around 6-12 washes. Color shows up best on light colored fur.
Color Choices:
(Pink and purple tend to last a little longer than other colors)
Ears OR Tail $10
Ears AND Tail $15
Ears Tail and Paws $25
Full Body (Ask for price)

Got Fleas?
Let's face it, fleas happen. All pet owners struggle with fleas at some point in there pets lifetime. Its so easy for dogs to pick up fleas at the dog park, boarding facilities or even just in your back yard.
If you suspect your pet may have fleas or has been itching please let me know at check in so we can start treatment immediately and get your pet back to flea free as soon as possible.
To protect both your pet and other pets visiting Unleashed any pet who has fleas is required to have the "Critter Ridder" treatment.
Critter Ridder
Critter Ridder starts with a Capstar pill. Capstar (nitenpyram) is a fast-acting flea treatment tablet for use in dogs and cats that starts killing fleas in only 30 minutes. After 30 minutes your pet is bathed in flea shampoo to wash away all the dead fleas and any remaining eggs.
Critter Ridder is an additional charge of
$20 regardless of pets size
Capstar will protect you pet from fleas for the next 24 hours at which time you will need to have already applied some type of flea prevention. There are many different types on the market. As far as over the counter flea medications go we suggest Advantix for CAT FREE HOMES ONLY. If you have cats in the home we suggest Seresto flea and tick collars which will protect you pup for up o 8 months. We carry Advantix in all sizes for dogs.
Critter Ridder PLUS
If you would rather your pet leave the salon with complete protection we do offer the Critter Ridder service with prevention as well. Ths will come with the Capstar and flea bath as well as 1 dose of Advantix (30 Days prevention from fleas and ticks) that will be applied before pickup. That way there s no point in time where your pet is not protected! If you've been having a big problem with fleas we highly suggest this option OR bring your own prevention in. We would be happy to apply it for you.
Critter Ridder Plus is an additional charge of
$35 regardless of pets size
Special Care and Handeling
Pet who are aggressive or have other special needs that require extra time will have a fee added ranging from $10-$20